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4 PhD positions in Electrical Engineering, TU Graz, Austria

webite link:
http://www.spsc. tugraz.at/ Jobs/TUG_ Announcement_ PhD-Positions_ SPSC.pdf

4 PhD Student Positions
Nonlinear and Mixed Signal Processing, Machine Learning, and Speech/Audio Processing The Signal Processing and Speech Communication (SPSC) Laboratory at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in Graz, Austria, has immediate openings for four PhD student positions. TU Graz has been founded in 1811 and its SPSC Lab (http://www.spsc. tugraz.at) in 2000.

Since then, this lab has grown to 25+ fulltime researchers from 15 nationalities, working in the fields of nonlinear signal processing, mixed-signal circuits and systems, UWB communications, machine learning and adaptive systems, speech communication, and microphone array processing. SPSC students have won 5 best student paper awards at top international conferences since 2004, filed more than 20 patents in the same period, and receive funding in the framework of several excellence programs like the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing, the Competence Network for Advanced Speech Technologies, the National Research Network on Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering, and the Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies project Advanced Audio Processing.

The four current openings for PhD students are in the following areas:

  1. Efficient approximate inference methods for graphical models. These models unite probability and graph theory and allow to efficiently represent both static and dynamic, as well as linear and nonlinear systems and processes. The new methods will be applied to speech processing problems.
  2. New machine learning algorithms for modelling of complex dynamics in real-world problems. Here the interrelationship between nonlinear dynamics, statistical learning theory, distributed learning, graphical models, and information theory is to be explored. Applications to temporal fusion of multimodal data will be explored.
  3. Modeling of integrated wireless transmitters. New analog power amplifier concepts require adequate nonlinear models at systems level and digital algorithms such as modulation and pre-distortion to
  4. optimize overall system performance (Project in cooperation with a major international integrated circuit company).
  5. Speaker separation with microphone arrays. In conference recordings, multiple speakers’ locations shall be tracked and their speech separated using a circular microphone array, machine learning strategies, and extensions of the recently introduced pitch-position plane analysis (Project in cooperation with a major international audio hardware company).

Applicants should have a strong background in signal processing as well as an excellent MSc degree in Electrical and Information Engineering, Computer Science, Telematics, or Mathematics. Fluency in
English or German is a must. Entry-level gross yearly salaries are about EUR 29,000. Applications in electronic form should include a Curriculum Vitae, Transcript of Records, all publications and the MSc
Thesis. TU Graz aims to employ a diversity of talent and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University, especially as concerns its gender structure. Applications will be evaluated
starting June 10, 2008, until all positions are filled.

For further information and to submit your application, please contact Prof. Gernot Kubin (Cell phone: +43-699-10721996, Email: g.kubin@ieee. org).

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