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60 PhD Scholarships for International Students, Zhejiang Univ

Graduate Scholarships for International Students

I. Basic Information on the Scholarships

The scholarships are provided by the Chinese Government and Zhejiang University jointly for prospective international students to study for Ph.D. Degrees at Zhejiang University.

  1. 60 scholarship students will be accepted for the fall semester of 2008 and spring semester of 2009;
  2. Details:
    • Awardees will be exempt from tuition and fees for registration, laboratory experiments, internship, basic learning materials, and intramural accommodation;
    • Living allowance: CNY 1,400 per month for doctoral students;
    • Fee for outpatient medical services and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China: CNY 600 per person per annum;
    • A one-off settlement subsidy for new students after registration: CNY 600 per person.
  3. Duration:

The duration of the scholarship for all programs with English as the media of instruction is the same as the normal length of the specific programs.

II. An Overview of Zhejiang University:

Zhejiang University is located in the coastal city of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which lies 180 km away from Shanghai, a metropolitan city in China. As one of the China’s Seven ancient capitals, Hangzhou is a world-famous tourist resort praised as “a paradise on earth”, boasting very favorable natural conditions, with a mild climate, convenient transportation systems, picturesque scenery and rich cultural heritage.

The university is one of the few top-ranking research institutions of higher learning in China. It has a full coverage of disciplines in 11 major branches of Learning, Namely Philosophy, Literature, History, Education, Sciences, Economics, Law, Management, Engineering, Agriculture and Medicine. With a history of more than 80 years of graduate education, the university now offers 331 academic and professional Master’s Degree programs and 283 Doctoral programs. Under its administration there are 14 Nation Key Laboratories, 2 National Engineering Research Centers and 3 National Engineering Technology Centers and 43 post-doctor stations. At present, the university has a full-time student body of over 39,000, with 22,900 undergraduates, over 15,700 Master’s Degree students and over 6,600 Ph.D. candidates, and the university also has about 1,700 international students coming from over 100 countries.

A truly comprehensive institute with developing into a world-class institution as its goal, Zhejiang University aims to provide an outstanding education that will enable its students to build a future of professional, intellectual and personal success, capable of leadership in different areas. Equally important, however, is the role the university has been playing in research. With a faculty capable of top-level and large-scale research and a high proportion of graduate students, the university has been undertaking projects, both basic and applied, to address pressing issues of today and the future.

III. Application

  1. Eligibility
    • Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good health.
    • Applicants must have a Master’s Degree.
    • Applicants must be under the age of 40.
    • Applicants should have a competitive academic record.
    • Applicants should have strong scientific research ability.
    • Applicants must NOT be beneficiaries of any other kinds of sponsorships.
  2. Language Used in Teaching
    • English is used as instructional language for programs in Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Economics, Business, and Medicines.
  3. Application Materials
  • All applicants must fill in and provide the following materials truly and correctly.
  • The Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (Download) in Chinese or in English.
  • Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they should also provide documents of being university students or on-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
  • Applicants for doctoral studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
  • A photocopy of the passport and a recent photo (white background, 35mm × 45mm in size).
  • A study or research proposal in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words).
  • Two letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors (in Chinese or English).
  • Published academic papers or other academic achievements (if applicable).
  • Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (printed by Chinese quarantine authority. Applicants are expected to keep the original copies) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medical examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration as they plan to take the medical examination.
  • Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship.rar

Applicants should submit the above materials to the International College of Zhejiang University before May 30, 2008 for the programs starting in fall 2008 and before Sept. 20 2008 for those starting in spring 2009. Application materials will NOT be returned regardless of the result of application.

l Choices of Programs
Please check the Major Doctoral Programs. Applicants are encouraged to contact their prospective supervisors at Zhejiang University prior to application and are expected to enclose in their application
package the relevant recommendation letters written by those supervisors.

l Approval and Notification
Zhejiang University will review all the application materials. Decisions for admission and for granting the scholarships will be made on the basis of the applicants’ competitiveness, academic and otherwise. The name list of the scholarship awardees for programs starting from the fall semester of 2008 will be publicized before July 31, 2008 after it is reviewed by China Scholarship Council. Admission Notices and other relevant documents will be sent to the awardees afterwards.

Contact Information
International College of Zhejiang University:
Mr. YI Honghui Tel: +86 571 87953101 Email: zjuyhh@zju.edu.cn
Fax: +86 571 87951755
Office of Degree Student Affairs, International College
Room 229, No. 31 Dorm, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University

Postal Address:
P.O. Box W-99, International College, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China 310027

1. Awardees must go through the Annual Review of the Chinese Government Scholarship Status.
2. The duration of the “Scholarship for Graduate Studies in Zhejiang University for International Students” is not to be extended if the awardees fail to finish the studies due to personal reasons.
3. Scholarship students who have to suspend their studies because of illness should return to their home country for further treatment and rest. Expenses for the international travel to and from the
university will be borne by the students themselves, and their scholarship status will be reserved for one year at most, with the monthly living allowance stopped during the suspension. Scholarships of the students who suspend their studies for reasons other than illness will not be reserved.

14 Responses

  1. Fayaz Hussain

    Please send me th list of prospective supervisors at Zhejiang University and research topics.
    With best regards,
    Fayaz Hussain


    Good afternoon. Please how can I download the Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship in English.

  3. Muhammad akram

    Dear sir, Please inform me the website from where i download the Ph.D. application form. Thanks and take care.

  4. fakhrurrazi amir

    @ Muhammad akram

    The Application form was in the below of article, we was edited it, thank you for your comment…:)

  5. Hellow!

    Morning, sorry I tried to download your application form bad enough its extension fail to be recognized (i.e dot(.) rar)especially a medical from, so may you please send to me a medical form with other extension such as dot(.)doc.

    In addition what about research grants

    Thank you



  6. Endris Yimer

    I am an Ethiopian. I want to participate in your 2009 phd scholarship in china in education and related fields specialy educational research. I tried to dounload the application form, but i failed to do so. Would you send me the application form?

    thank you.

  7. Hazrat Bilal

    Dear sir, please inform me wheather you have received my form filled on 24/09/08 for phd scholaship.the form was filled in hurry, the picture was as per required by university.
    Hazrat Bilal
    Iqra university
    11-b iqra university old jumrud rd
    Peshawar nwfp pakistan

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